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The observed number of available data records does not match the expected count


If the number of expected data records (e.g. observational units) is known, this indicator assess the match between the observed and expected observational records. Discrepancies may indicate an erroneous data upload but also errors in the provided files or tables.


In a data set, in total 4420 observational units are expected, corresponding to 4420 data records but the data set in fact only comprises 4100 data records. Further data management steps investigate the observed discrepancy and ensure a proper export of the expected 4420 observational units / data records to restore structural integrity.


Providing too few or too many data records potentially impairs the correct computation of any data quality indicator at the subsequent stages because the sample is specified incorrectly.

Duplicate records (DQI-1003) may be the reason for a discrepant count of data records. In this case assessments will provide findings with regards to both indicators DQI-1002 and DQI-1003. In this case it should be checked whether the count of discrepant data records is only due to duplicates or whether there are additional reasons.

Any deficit encountered here must be remedied by updating the affected data sets to correctly representing all required data records. Afterwards the data quality reporting processes should be restarted again.


The higher the discrepancy the lower the data quality.

