Within the DFG-project Standards and tools for the evaluation of data quality in complex epidemiological studies several implementations were developed to calculate different indicators of data quality. They address the data quality dimensions:
of the data. To apply these R-functions in a reasonably sized data set the following simulated study data were created. In using simulated data, the true distortion is reproducible which is not guaranteed in real-world data. All methods to create the data and how distortion is introduced are annotated in this document.
The structure is as follows:
a clean set of study data is generated representing measurements of different examination types
reproducible distortion is introduced in the study data
In 3. and 4. a summary of the data is found.
The study data are fragmented into five different segments:
Some of the segments define solitary examination areas while other comprise variables of global interest for conducting the study.
NOTE: None of the variables in the study data will
have self-explanatory names. The column names are technical which is
common in larger studies which manage their data in databases. Please
see the corresponding [Metadata] to find comprehensive variable names.
In the metadata a LABEL
denotes these annotation:
ID variables comprise a study center (integer) and a unique personal identifier.
# Study center -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialize data frame and add study center ID
df <- data.frame(v00000 = sample(1:5, 3000, replace = TRUE))
# PSEUDO-ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# integer part
int <- data.frame(int_part = paste0(sample(0:9, size = 3000, replace = TRUE),
sample(0:9, size = 3000, replace = TRUE),
sample(0:9, size = 3000, replace = TRUE)))
# character part
int$ID <- NA
for (i in 1:dim(int)[1]) {
set.seed(i + 11235)
int$ID[i] <- paste0(paste0(LETTERS[sample(1:26, 5, replace = TRUE)],
collapse = ""), int$int_part[i])
# add pseudo-ID to df
df$v00001 <- int$ID
Age and sex are important covariates for the generation of blood pressure data. Therefore, age and sex-specific multivariate data of blood pressure are generated.
# sex ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00002 <- rbinom(n = 3000, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
# associated data of age and blood pressure --------------------------------------------------------
# mean age == 50, mean systolic blood pressure == 120/130, diastolic blood
# pressure 75/85
mu_male <- c(50, 130, 85)
mu_female <- c(50, 120, 75)
# definition of a covariance matrix which defines covariance structure
# (association)
Sigma <- matrix(c(20, 15, 12, 15, 45, 20, 12, 20, 35), 3, 3)
df$v00003 <- NA
df$v00004 <- NA
df$v00005 <- NA
# draw group specific multivariate normal data
df[df$v00002 == 0, c("v00003", "v00004", "v00005")] <-
mvrnorm(n = table(df$v00002)[1], mu = mu_female, Sigma = Sigma)
# assign values for males
df[df$v00002 == 1, c("v00003", "v00004", "v00005")] <-
mvrnorm(n = table(df$v00002)[2], mu = mu_male, Sigma = Sigma)
# round these data
df[, c("v00003", "v00004", "v00005")] <-
dplyr::mutate_all(df[, c("v00003", "v00004", "v00005")],
.funs = function(x) round(x, digits = 0))
# age and sex at follow-up -------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v01003 <- df$v00003 + rbinom(3000, 1, prob = 0.01)
df$v01002 <- df$v00002
# Discretized age ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00103 <- as.character(
cut(df$v00003, breaks = c(18, 29, 39, 49, 59, 69, 100),
labels = c("18-29", "30-39", "40-49", "50-59", "60-69", "70+")))
The data for age, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure are:
The simulated data show strong covariance between continuous measurement variables and a difference for sex.
In this segment of examination variables for:
are generated. In addition, process variables are introduced as:
Please see Richter et al. for the role of process variables.
# self reportet global health (VAS) ----------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00006 <- round(runif(3000, min = 0, max = 10), 1)
# RESPIRATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Asthma
df$v00007 <- rbinom(3000, 1, prob = 0.2)
# high capacity in non-asthmatic participants
df$v00008 <- NA
df$v00008[df$v00007 == 0] <- sample(LETTERS[1:5],
length(df$v00008[df$v00007 == 0]),
prob = seq(0.5, 0.05, length.out = 5),
replace = TRUE)
# low capacity in asthmatic participants
df$v00008[df$v00007 == 1] <- sample(LETTERS[1:5],
length(df$v00008[df$v00007 == 1]),
prob = seq(0.05, 0.5, length.out = 5),
replace = TRUE)
# circumference upper arm --------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00009 <- round(rnorm(3000, mean = 25, sd = 4))
# discretize circumference
df$v00109 <- revalue(cut(df$v00009, breaks = c(-Inf, 20, 30, Inf)),
c("(-Inf,20]" = "1", "(20,30]" = "2", "(30, Inf]" = "3"))
df$v00109 <- as.integer(df$v00109)
# used arm cuff
df$v00010 <- revalue(cut(df$v00009, breaks = c(-Inf, 20, 30, Inf)),
c("(-Inf,20]" = "1", "(20,30]" = "2", "(30, Inf]" = "3"))
# Examiners respiration in each study center -------------------------------------------------------
df$v00011[df$v00000 == 1] <- sample(c("USR_101", "USR_103", "USR_155"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 1]),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00011[df$v00000 == 2] <- sample(c("USR_211", "USR_213", "USR_215"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 2]),
prob = c(0.4, 0.4, 0.2),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00011[df$v00000 == 3] <- sample(c("USR_321", "USR_333", "USR_342"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 3]),
prob = c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00011[df$v00000 == 4] <- sample(c("USR_402", "USR_403", "USR_404"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 4]),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00011[df$v00000 == 5] <- sample(c("USR_590", "USR_592", "USR_599"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 5]),
prob = c(0.6, 0.35, 0.05),
replace = TRUE)
# Examiner blood pressure in each study center -----------------------------------------------------
df$v00012[df$v00000 == 1] <- sample(c("USR_121", "USR_123", "USR_165"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 1]),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00012[df$v00000 == 2] <- sample(c("USR_201", "USR_243", "USR_275"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 2]),
prob = c(0.25, 0.65, 0.1),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00012[df$v00000 == 3] <- sample(c("USR_301", "USR_303", "USR_352"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 3]),
prob = c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00012[df$v00000 == 4] <- sample(c("USR_482", "USR_483", "USR_484"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 4]),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00012[df$v00000 == 5] <- sample(c("USR_537", "USR_542", "USR_559"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 5]),
prob = c(0.6, 0.35, 0.05),
replace = TRUE)
# Date-Time of examination -------------------------------------------------------------------------
dates <- as.POSIXct(seq(0, 364, length = 3000) * 3600 * 24, origin =
as.Date("2018-12-31") - 364)
wd <- weekdays(dates, abbreviate = TRUE)
wddates <- sample(dates[wd %in% c("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri")], 3000,
replace = TRUE)
df$v00013 <- wddates[order(wddates)]
In this segment variables for:
as well as for process variables of:
are generated.
# CRP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00014 <- round(rgamma(3000, shape = 3, scale = 1), digits = 3)
# ESR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00015 <- round(rgamma(3000, shape = 1.5, scale = 1) * 10, digits = 0)
# Lab device number --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00016 <- sample(1:5, 3000, replace = TRUE)
# Date-Time of Lab ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# on average 2 hours after exam date
df$v00017 <- df$v00013 + minutes(round(rnorm(3000, mean = 120, sd = 10),
digits = 0))
Very typical in epidemiological studies is the a high number of information originating from interviews. The following variables are generated here:
as well as an examiner and a date variable for the conduct of the interview.
# education ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# baseline
df$v00018 <- rtpois(3000, 3, a = -1, b = 6)
# follow-up (some achieve higher qualification)
df$v01018 <- df$v00018 + rbinom(3000, 1, prob = 0.01)
# Family status ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00019 <- sample(0:3, size = 3000, prob = c(0.25, 0.35, 0.3, 0.1), replace = TRUE)
df$v00020 <- ifelse(df$v00018 == 1, 1, 0)
# No. of children ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00021 <- rpois(3000, lambda = 2.5)
# eating behaviour ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (no preference, vegetarian, vegan)
df$v00022 <- sample(0:2, 3000, prob = c(0.6, 0.3, 0.1), replace = TRUE)
# vegetarian/vegan -> no meat consumption
df$v00023[df$v00022 > 0] <- 0
# no preferences -> frequency of shopping meat
df$v00023[df$v00022 == 0] <- sample(0:4,
length(df$v00022[df$v00022 == 0]),
prob = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1),
replace = TRUE)
# smoking habbits ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00024 <- rbinom(3000, 1, prob = 0.3) # current smoking
df$v00025 <- sample(0:4, 3000, replace = TRUE) # shopping tabacco
# non-smokers conditional missing in tobacco shopping
df$v00025[df$v00024 == 0] <- NA
# No. of injuries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00026 <- rpois(3000, lambda = 4)
# No. of birth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00027 <- df$v00021 + rpois(3000, lambda = 1)
# no birth in men (jump code)
df$v00027[df$v00002 == 1] <- 88880
# Groups of income ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00028 <- rtpois(3000, 2, a = -1, b = 5)
# pregnancy ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00029 <- rbinom(1000, 1, prob = 0.05)
# no pregnant men (jump code)
df$v00029[df$v00002 == 1] <- 88880
# some medication ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00030 <- sample(c(NA, 1, 2, 3), 1000, prob = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), replace=TRUE)
# ATC-Codes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00031 <- rnbinom(3000, 1, prob = 0.3)
# Examiner soc.-demogr. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00032[df$v00000 == 1] <- sample(c("USR_120", "USR_125", "USR_130"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 1]),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00032[df$v00000 == 2] <- sample(c("USR_201", "USR_247", "USR_277"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 2]),
prob = c(0.25, 0.65, 0.1),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00032[df$v00000 == 3] <- sample(c("USR_321", "USR_333", "USR_357"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 3]),
prob = c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00032[df$v00000 == 4] <- sample(c("USR_492", "USR_493", "USR_494"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 4]),
replace = TRUE)
df$v00032[df$v00000 == 5] <- sample(c("USR_500", "USR_510", "USR_520"),
length(df$v00000[df$v00000 == 5]),
prob = c(0.05, 0.35, 0.6),
replace = TRUE)
# Date-Time of Interview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# on average 30 minutes after lab date
df$v00033 <- df$v00017 + minutes(round(rnorm(3000, mean = 30, sd = 7),
digits = 0))
The corresponding data are stored as integer, string, and datetime variables.
The questionnaire contains an 8-item scale instrument measuring on a numeric rating scale (0-10). In addition, a corresponding date is generated.
# 8-item questionnaire -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# comment: rtpois() is different to rpois() since the distribution can be truncated
# first 4 items having "mean" 3
part1 <- data.frame(matrix(rtpois(12000, 3, a = -1, b = 10), ncol = 4))
# second 4 items having "mean" 7
part2 <- data.frame(matrix(rtpois(12000, 7, a = -1, b = 10), ncol = 4))
quest <- data.frame(part1, part2)
colnames(quest) <- c("v00034", "v00035", "v00036", "v00037",
"v00038", "v00039", "v00040", "v00041")
df <- cbind(df, quest)
# Date-Time of Questionnaire -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# on average 14 days after exam date
df$v00042 <- df$v00013 + days(round(rnorm(3000, mean = 14, sd = 3), digits = 0))
The data are:
Although data quality indicators should be applied in the sequence of (1) completeness, (2) consistency and then (3) accuracy the distortion to the data is added in a different sequence. Completeness affects all variables and is introduced here last.
The errors introduced into the study data are explained step by step along with the data quality dimensions. Some of these errors are specific to random subsets of the study data as defined here:
ns <- 1:3000
# a 10pct sample (disjunct from 5 pct sample)
sam10 <- sample(ns, 300, replace = FALSE)
# a 5pct sample
sam5 <- sample(ns[!(ns %in% sam10)], 150, replace = FALSE)
# age and sex at follow-up -----------------------------------------------------
df$v01003[sam5] <- df$v00003[sam5] - 1
df$v01002[sam5] <- abs(df$v00002[sam5] - 1)
The arm cirmumference is important to choose the appropriate arm cuff for blood pressure measurement.
# used cuff --------------------------------------------------------------------
# discretize arm circumference and add some failure of the assignment of the
# used cuff
df$v00010 <- revalue(cut(df$v00009 + round(rnorm(3000)),
breaks = c(-Inf, 20, 30, Inf)),
c("(-Inf,20]" = "1", "(20,30]" = "2", "(30, Inf]" = "3"))
df$v00010 <- as.integer(df$v00010)
# education --------------------------------------------------------------------
df$v01018[sam5][df$v01018[sam5] > 0] <- df$v01018[sam5][df$v01018[sam5] > 0] +
rbinom(length(df$v01018[sam5][df$v01018[sam5] > 0]),
1, prob = 0.1) * -1
# eating behaviour -------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00023[sam10][df$v00022[sam10] > 0] <- sample(1:4,
df$v00022[sam10] > 0]),
replace = TRUE)
# smoking habbits --------------------------------------------------------------
df$v00025[sam10][is.na(df$v00025[sam10])] <- sample(1:5,
replace = TRUE)
Within the questionnaire the direction of questions differ between the first four items and the last 4 items. It is expected that the mean of answers changes accordingly. However,
# 8-item questionnaire ---------------------------------------------------------
# some didn't recognize changed coding (numbers are usually from poisson with
# lambda = 7)
df$v00038[c(sam5, sam10)] <- rtpois(length(df$v00038[c(sam5, sam10)]), 3,
a = -1, b = 10)
df$v00039[c(sam5, sam10)] <- rtpois(length(df$v00039[c(sam5, sam10)]), 3,
a = -1, b = 10)
df$v00040[c(sam5, sam10)] <- rtpois(length(df$v00040[c(sam5, sam10)]), 3,
a = -1, b = 10)
df$v00041[c(sam5, sam10)] <- rtpois(length(df$v00041[c(sam5, sam10)]), 3,
a = -1, b = 10)
The study protocol foresees a sequence of examinations. Therefore, datetimes of study segments are expected in a predefined sequence.
# Date variables ---------------------------------------------------------------
# lab earlier than physical examination
df$v00017[sam10] <- df$v00017[sam10] - hours(2)
# some late questionnaire
df$v00042[sam5] <- df$v00042[sam5] + days(sample(15:730, length(sam5),
replace = TRUE))
# some early questionnaire
df$v00042[sample(sam10, 10)] <- "2017-12-31 23:59:59"
# Blood pressure: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# rounding values to 80 (SBP) and 70 (DBP)
# in Cologne severe rounding at carneval
df$v00004[df$v00000 == 4 & month(df$v00013) == 2] <- plyr::round_any(df$v00004[
df$v00000 == 4 & month(df$v00013) == 2], 10)
df$v00005[df$v00000 == 4 & month(df$v00013) == 2] <- plyr::round_any(df$v00005[
df$v00000 == 4 & month(df$v00013) == 2], 10)
# Accumulation of values on detection limits -----------------------------------
# CRP: one device all values on detection limit (Oct-Dec)
df$v00014[df$v00016 == "1" & month(df$v00013) %in% 10:12] <- 0.16
# Some values of ESR were rounded ----------------------------------------------
df$v00015[c(sam5, sam10)] <- plyr::round_any(df$v00015[c(sam5, sam10)], 10)
# One device is more often used ------------------------------------------------
df$v00016[month(df$v00013) %in% 1:3] <- sample(1:3,
%in% 1:3]),
replace = TRUE)
# Participants report a lower number of used drugs in one center --------------
df$v00031[df$v00000 == 1 & df$v00031 > 3] <- df$v00031[df$v00000 == 1 &
df$v00031 > 3] -
ceiling(0.5 * df$v00031[df$v00000 == 1 & df$v00031 > 3])
# Participants report a higher number of injuries if asked by one examiner -----
df$v00026[df$v00000 == 5] <- df$v00026[df$v00000 == 5] + sample(1:5,
df$v00000 ==
replace = TRUE)
l_trend <- seq(15, 0, length.out = table(df$v00000)[2])
df$v00004[df$v00000 == 2] <- df$v00004[df$v00000 == 2] +
round(l_trend, digits = 0)
df$v00005[df$v00000 == 2] <- df$v00005[df$v00000 == 2] +
round(l_trend, digits = 0)
s_trend <- sin(seq(0, 6.282, length = table(df$v00000)[3])) * 10
df$v00004[df$v00000 == 3] <- df$v00004[df$v00000 == 3] + round(s_trend,
digits = 0)
df$v00005[df$v00000 == 3] <- df$v00005[df$v00000 == 3] + round(s_trend,
digits = 0)
# seasonal abuse of medics 2018-09-22 - 2018-10-07 -----------------------------
df$v00030[df$v00033 >= "2018-09-22" & df$v00033 <= "2018-10-08"] <- 1
ggplot(df, aes(x = v00013, y = v00004)) + geom_point(aes(color = v00000)) +
facet_grid(v00000 ~ .) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "None")
ggplot(df, aes(x = v00013, y = v00005)) + geom_point(aes(color = v00000)) +
facet_grid(v00000 ~ .) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "None")
Missing values in measurement variables can be informative, i.e. the reason for missingness is known, or uninformative. The latter is usually indicated by NAs. However, for the investigation of data quality and for examination of possible means of intervention (in the data generating process) the knowledge of reasons for missingness is crucial. The following code introduces both types of missingness.
Therefore, missing codes from the metadata were collected:
# missing codes physical exam and lab
codesPL <- list( c(99980, 99981, 99982, 99983, 99984, 99985, 99986, 99987,
99989, 99990, 99991, 99992, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99981, 99982, 99983, 99984, 99985, 99986, 99987,
99989, 99990, 99991, 99992, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99987, 99988, 99989, 99990, 99991, 99992,
99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99987, 99988, 99989, 99990, 99991, 99992,
99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99981, 99982, 99983, 99984, 99985, 99986, 99987,
99989, 99990, 99991, 99992, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99981, 99982, 99983, 99984, 99985, 99986, 99987,
99989, 99990, 99991, 99992, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99987),
c(99981, 99982),
c(99981, 99982),
c(99980, 99981, 99982, 99983, 99984, 99985, 99986,
99988, 99989, 99990, 99991, 99992, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99981, 99982, 99983, 99984, 99985, 99986, 99988,
99990, 99991, 99992, 99994, 99995),
# missing codes interview and questionnaire
codesIQ <- list( c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99981, 99982),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995),
c(99980, 99983, 99988, 99989, 99991, 99993, 99994, 99995))
A utility function replaces values in the study data by respective missing codes or NA.
# utility function to assign missing codes to study data
assign_mc <- function(data, variables, missing_pattern, code_list) {
X <- data[, variables]
# add even indicator to rows
X$even <- seq_len(nrow(df)) %% 2
n_rows <- dim(X)[1]
# informative missingness
if (missing_pattern == "random") {
misspat <- data.frame(matrix(rbinom(n = n_rows * length(variables),
size = 1,
prob = rep(0.05, times =
ncol = length(variables),
byrow = TRUE))
if (missing_pattern == "increase") {
misspat <- data.frame(matrix(rbinom(n = n_rows * length(variables),
size = 1,
prob = seq(0.05, 0.3, length.out =
ncol = length(variables),
byrow = TRUE))
# apply missing codes or NAs
for (i in 1:(dim(X)[2] - 1)) {
# apply missingness
if (all(is.na(code_list[[i]]))) {
# in case of no available missing codes -> all NA
X[, i][misspat[[paste0("X", i)]] == 1] <- NA
} else {
# in case of available missing codes: partly informative, partly
# non-informative
# add levels to factor variables
if (is.factor(X[, i])) {
levels(X[, i]) <- c(levels(X[, i]), paste0(code_list[[i]]))
X[, i][misspat[[paste0("X", i)]] == 1] <-
size =
sum(misspat[[paste0("X", i)]] == 1),
replace = TRUE)
X[, i][misspat[[paste0("X", i)]] == 1 & X$even == 0] <- NA
data[, variables] <- X[, variables]
The missings are generated either:
The latter corresponds to a behavior in which a segment is started but not completed by all participants.
# apply function on variables from physical examination and lab
df <- assign_mc(data = df,
variables = c("v00004", "v00005", "v00006", "v00007",
"v00008", "v00009", "v00109", "v00010",
"v00011", "v00012", "v00014", "v00015",
missing_pattern = "random",
code_list = codesPL)
# apply function on variables from interview and questionnaire
df <- assign_mc(data = df,
variables = c("v00018", "v01018", "v00019", "v00020",
"v00021", "v00022", "v00023", "v00024",
"v00025", "v00026", "v00027", "v00028",
"v00029", "v00030", "v00031", "v00032",
"v00034", "v00035", "v00036", "v00037",
"v00038", "v00039", "v00040", "v00041"),
missing_pattern = "increase",
code_list = codesIQ)
# if examiner missing than measurements also missing
df[df$v00011 %in% c(99981, 99982), "v00008"] <- 99990
df[df$v00012 %in% c(99981, 99982), c("v00004", "v00005")] <- 99990
df[df$v00032 %in% c(99981, 99982), c("v00018", "v01018", "v00019",
"v00020", "v00021", "v00022",
"v00023", "v00024", "v00025",
"v00026", "v00027", "v00028",
"v00029", "v00030", "v00031")] <- 99990
This type of missingness is defined as all measurements of the segment are missing for an observational unit.
ns <- 1:3000
# initialize participation in study and segments
# overall study
df$v10000 <- 1
# physical examination
df$v20000 <- 1
# lab
df$v30000 <- 1
# interview
df$v40000 <- 1
# questionnaire
df$v50000 <- 1
# physical exam
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-08-01" & date(df$v00013) <= "2018-08-15",
c("v00004", "v00005", "v00006", "v00007", "v00008", "v00009", "v00109",
"v00010")] <- NA
# in one study center no physical exam
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-02-08" & date(df$v00013) <= "2018-02-16" &
df$v00000 == 4,
c("v00004", "v00005", "v00006", "v00007", "v00008", "v00009", "v00109",
"v00010")] <- NA
# lab
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-08-16" & date(df$v00013) <= "2018-08-23",
c("v00014", "v00015", "v00016")] <- NA
# in one study center no lab
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-09-22" & date(df$v00013) <= "2018-10-07" &
df$v00000 == 5,
c("v00014", "v00015", "v00016")] <- NA
# Interview
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-09-01" & date(df$v00013) <= "2018-09-03",
c("v00018", "v01018", "v00019", "v00020", "v00021", "v00022", "v00023",
"v00025", "v00026", "v00027", "v00028", "v00029", "v00030", "v00031",
"v00032")] <- NA
# interview was not conducted in a retricted period
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-09-01" & date(df$v00013) <= "2018-09-03",
"v40000"] <- 0
# Questionnaire
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-09-01" & date(df$v00013) <= "2018-09-10",
c( "v00034", "v00035", "v00036", "v00037",
"v00038", "v00039", "v00040", "v00041")] <- NA
df[date(df$v00013) >= "2018-09-01" & date(df$v00013) <=
"2018-09-10", "v50000"] <- 0
um <- sample(1:3000, 60)
# introduce NA except for IDs
for (i in names(df)[3:dim(df)[2]]) {
df[um, i] <- NA
The generated study data are summarized using the R-package
. It is obvious that data cannot be used for
any analyses in the given format:
print(dfSummary(df, plain.ascii = FALSE, style = "grid",
graph.magnif = 0.85, method = 'render',
headings = FALSE))
## text graphs are displayed; set 'tmp.img.dir' parameter to activate png graphs
No | Variable | Stats / Values | Freqs (% of Valid) | Graph | Valid | Missing |
1 | v00000 [integer] |
Mean (sd) : 3 (1.4) min < med < max: 1 < 3 < 5 IQR (CV) : 2 (0.5) |
1 : 632 (21.1%) 2 : 592 (19.7%) 3 : 602 (20.1%) 4 : 577 (19.2%) 5 : 597 (19.9%) |
3000 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
2 | v00001 [character] |
1. AASKG880 2. ABIGM899 3. ACDUE825 4. ACETE836 5. ACUEV120 6. ACYEL266 7. ACYJA624 8. ADKII469 9. ADSUV615 10. AENAE324 [ 2990 others ] |
1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 1 ( 0.0%) 2990 (99.7%) |
3000 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
3 | v00002 [integer] |
Min : 0 Mean : 0.5 Max : 1 |
0 : 1478 (50.3%) 1 : 1462 (49.7%) |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
4 | v00003 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 49.9 (4.4) min < med < max: 33 < 50 < 63 IQR (CV) : 6 (0.1) |
29 distinct values | . : : : : . : : : : : : : : . : : : : : . |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
5 | v00004 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 5306.5 (22150.3) min < med < max: 97 < 127 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 14 (4.2) |
75 distinct values | : : : : : . |
2699 (90.0%) |
301 (10.0%) |
6 | v00005 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 6101.6 (23778.9) min < med < max: 54 < 82 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 14 (3.9) |
71 distinct values | : : : : : . |
2705 (90.2%) |
295 (9.8%) |
7 | v01003 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 49.9 (4.4) min < med < max: 33 < 50 < 63 IQR (CV) : 6 (0.1) |
28 distinct values | . : : : : . : : : : : : : : . : : : : : . |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
8 | v01002 [numeric] |
Min : 0 Mean : 0.5 Max : 1 |
0 : 1472 (50.1%) 1 : 1468 (49.9%) |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
9 | v00103 [character] |
1. 30-39 2. 40-49 3. 50-59 4. 60-69 |
25 ( 0.9%) 1322 (45.0%) 1554 (52.9%) 39 ( 1.3%) |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
10 | v00006 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 2827.8 (16564.1) min < med < max: 0 < 5.1 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 5.1 (5.9) |
112 distinct values | : : : : : |
2692 (89.7%) |
308 (10.3%) |
11 | v00007 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 2655.8 (16080.1) min < med < max: 0 < 0 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 0 (6.1) |
0 : 2114 (78.0%) 1 : 525 (19.4%) 99980 : 14 ( 0.5%) 99988 : 13 ( 0.5%) 99989 : 6 ( 0.2%) 99991 : 6 ( 0.2%) 99993 : 15 ( 0.6%) 99994 : 9 ( 0.3%) 99995 : 9 ( 0.3%) |
2711 (90.4%) |
289 (9.6%) |
12 | v00008 [character] |
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. E 6. 99990 7. 99995 8. 99988 9. 99989 10. 99980 [ 6 others ] |
781 (28.8%) 647 (23.8%) 501 (18.5%) 380 (14.0%) 284 (10.5%) 71 ( 2.6%) 10 ( 0.4%) 7 ( 0.3%) 7 ( 0.3%) 5 ( 0.2%) 20 ( 0.7%) |
2713 (90.4%) |
287 (9.6%) |
13 | v00009 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 2342 (15044.2) min < med < max: 11 < 25 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 5 (6.4) |
42 distinct values | : : : : : |
2718 (90.6%) |
282 (9.4%) |
14 | v00109 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 2557.1 (15781.1) min < med < max: 1 < 2 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 0 (6.2) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : |
2700 (90.0%) |
300 (10.0%) |
15 | v00010 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 3000.3 (17055.8) min < med < max: 1 < 2 < 99987 IQR (CV) : 0 (5.7) |
1 : 351 (13.0%) 2 : 2013 (74.5%) 3 : 256 ( 9.5%) 99980 : 31 ( 1.1%) 99987 : 50 ( 1.9%) |
2701 (90.0%) |
299 (10.0%) |
16 | v00011 [character] |
1. USR_321 2. USR_590 3. USR_213 4. USR_592 5. USR_211 6. USR_155 7. USR_103 8. USR_403 9. USR_404 10. USR_101 [ 7 others ] |
449 (15.7%) 301 (10.6%) 223 ( 7.8%) 223 ( 7.8%) 216 ( 7.6%) 206 ( 7.2%) 202 ( 7.1%) 197 ( 6.9%) 179 ( 6.3%) 172 ( 6.0%) 483 (16.9%) |
2851 (95.0%) |
149 (5.0%) |
17 | v00012 [character] |
1. USR_301 2. USR_243 3. USR_537 4. USR_542 5. USR_123 6. USR_121 7. USR_165 8. USR_484 9. USR_483 10. USR_482 [ 7 others ] |
448 (15.7%) 347 (12.1%) 319 (11.2%) 208 ( 7.3%) 201 ( 7.0%) 189 ( 6.6%) 189 ( 6.6%) 184 ( 6.4%) 173 ( 6.0%) 170 ( 5.9%) 432 (15.1%) |
2860 (95.3%) |
140 (4.7%) |
18 | v00013 [POSIXct, POSIXt] |
min : 2018-01-01 med : 2018-07-05 13:55:57.519173 max : 2018-12-28 19:33:59.479827 range : 11m 27d 19H 33M 59.5S |
1596 distinct values |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
19 | v00014 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 2528.7 (15692.3) min < med < max: 0.1 < 2.6 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 2.4 (6.2) |
2092 distinct values | : : : : : |
2771 (92.4%) |
229 (7.6%) |
20 | v00015 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 2622.8 (15937.9) min < med < max: 0 < 12 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 13 (6.1) |
86 distinct values | : : : : : |
2760 (92.0%) |
240 (8.0%) |
21 | v00016 [integer] |
Mean (sd) : 2.8 (1.4) min < med < max: 1 < 3 < 5 IQR (CV) : 2 (0.5) |
1 : 595 (22.1%) 2 : 661 (24.5%) 3 : 622 (23.1%) 4 : 415 (15.4%) 5 : 402 (14.9%) |
2695 (89.8%) |
305 (10.2%) |
22 | v00017 [POSIXct, POSIXt] |
min : 2018-01-01 02:00:00 med : 2018-07-05 16:00:27.519173 max : 2018-12-28 21:34:59.479827 range : 11m 27d 19H 34M 59.5S |
2879 distinct values |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
23 | v00018 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 13320.4 (33979.8) min < med < max: 0 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.6) |
16 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2853 (95.1%) |
147 (4.9%) |
24 | v01018 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 14638.5 (35349.8) min < med < max: 0 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.4) |
17 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2842 (94.7%) |
158 (5.3%) |
25 | v00019 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 14733.8 (35446.9) min < med < max: 0 < 1 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 1 (2.4) |
13 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2803 (93.4%) |
197 (6.6%) |
26 | v00020 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 15432.6 (36130.2) min < med < max: 0 < 0 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 1 (2.3) |
11 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2799 (93.3%) |
201 (6.7%) |
27 | v00021 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 15479.7 (36172.6) min < med < max: 0 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 2 (2.3) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2765 (92.2%) |
235 (7.8%) |
28 | v00022 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 16137.1 (36791.1) min < med < max: 0 < 1 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 2 (2.3) |
12 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2776 (92.5%) |
224 (7.5%) |
29 | v00023 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 16375.6 (37008.4) min < med < max: 0 < 2 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.3) |
14 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2754 (91.8%) |
246 (8.2%) |
30 | v00024 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 16416 (37046.2) min < med < max: 0 < 0 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 1 (2.3) |
11 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2741 (91.4%) |
259 (8.6%) |
31 | v00025 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 38920 (48769.9) min < med < max: 0 < 4 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 99988 (1.3) |
15 distinct values | : : : : : : : : |
1318 (43.9%) |
1682 (56.1%) |
32 | v00026 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 17943 (38371) min < med < max: 0 < 5 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 5 (2.1) |
24 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2681 (89.4%) |
319 (10.6%) |
33 | v00027 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 54875.5 (45508.8) min < med < max: 0 < 88880 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 88876 (0.8) |
22 distinct values |
2712 (90.4%) |
288 (9.6%) |
34 | v00028 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 19144.6 (39346.7) min < med < max: 0 < 2 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.1) |
15 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2690 (89.7%) |
310 (10.3%) |
35 | v00029 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 55315.3 (45551.1) min < med < max: 0 < 88880 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 88880 (0.8) |
12 distinct values |
2651 (88.4%) |
349 (11.6%) |
36 | v00030 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 46175.8 (49868.6) min < med < max: 1 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 99988 (1.1) |
12 distinct values |
1191 (39.7%) |
1809 (60.3%) |
37 | v00031 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 21307.9 (40951.3) min < med < max: 0 < 2 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 7 (1.9) |
29 distinct values | : : : : . : : |
2614 (87.1%) |
386 (12.9%) |
38 | v00032 [character] |
1. USR_321 2. USR_247 3. USR_520 4. USR_120 5. 99982 6. 99981 7. USR_125 8. USR_492 9. USR_493 10. USR_130 [ 7 others ] |
381 (14.5%) 297 (11.3%) 290 (11.1%) 172 ( 6.6%) 168 ( 6.4%) 164 ( 6.3%) 159 ( 6.1%) 147 ( 5.6%) 147 ( 5.6%) 140 ( 5.3%) 554 (21.2%) |
2619 (87.3%) |
381 (12.7%) |
39 | v00033 [POSIXct, POSIXt] |
min : 2018-01-01 02:24:00 med : 2018-07-05 16:37:57.519173 max : 2018-12-28 21:53:59.479827 range : 11m 27d 19H 29M 59.5S |
2884 distinct values |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
40 | v00034 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 11740.7 (32190.7) min < med < max: 0 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.7) |
18 distinct values | : : : : : . |
2547 (84.9%) |
453 (15.1%) |
41 | v00035 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 12858.4 (33474.6) min < med < max: 0 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.6) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : . |
2520 (84.0%) |
480 (16.0%) |
42 | v00036 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 12959.8 (33586.7) min < med < max: 0 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.6) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : . |
2508 (83.6%) |
492 (16.4%) |
43 | v00037 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 14905.6 (35615.6) min < med < max: 0 < 3 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 3 (2.4) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2516 (83.9%) |
484 (16.1%) |
44 | v00038 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 15287.5 (35984.6) min < med < max: 0 < 7 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 4 (2.4) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2447 (81.6%) |
553 (18.4%) |
45 | v00039 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 15965.6 (36627.1) min < med < max: 0 < 7 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 4 (2.3) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2437 (81.2%) |
563 (18.8%) |
46 | v00040 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 16238.2 (36878.4) min < med < max: 0 < 7 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 4 (2.3) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2470 (82.3%) |
530 (17.7%) |
47 | v00041 [numeric] |
Mean (sd) : 17510.2 (38004.3) min < med < max: 0 < 7 < 99995 IQR (CV) : 4 (2.2) |
19 distinct values | : : : : : : |
2439 (81.3%) |
561 (18.7%) |
48 | v00042 [POSIXct, POSIXt] |
min : 2017-12-31 23:59:59 med : 2018-07-29 11:20:23.207736 max : 2020-11-08 07:53:55.078359 range : 2y 10m 7d 7H 53M 56.1S |
2767 distinct values |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
49 | v10000 [numeric] |
1 distinct value | 1 : 2940 (100.0%) | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | 2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
50 | v20000 [numeric] |
1 distinct value | 1 : 2940 (100.0%) | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | 2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
51 | v30000 [numeric] |
1 distinct value | 1 : 2940 (100.0%) | IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII | 2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
52 | v40000 [numeric] |
Min : 0 Mean : 1 Max : 1 |
0 : 15 ( 0.5%) 1 : 2925 (99.5%) |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
53 | v50000 [numeric] |
Min : 0 Mean : 1 Max : 1 |
0 : 77 ( 2.6%) 1 : 2863 (97.4%) |
2940 (98.0%) |
60 (2.0%) |
Metadata provide the relevant information to allow for valid interpretation of the study data and subsequent analyses. So-called static metadata are defined to assign names, labels, plausibility limits and further expected characteristics of the study data.
A key characteristic of the metadata referring to the study data
above and by the R package dataquieR
is the one row
per variable layout. This implies, that all expected
characteristics of the study data are captured in one row of the
A complete annotation of metadata processed and used by
can be accessed here.
print(dfSummary(meta_data, plain.ascii = FALSE, style = "grid",
graph.magnif = 0.85, method = 'render',
headings = FALSE))
No | Variable | Stats / Values | Freqs (% of Valid) | Graph | Valid | Missing |
1 | VAR_NAMES [character] |
1. v00000 2. v00001 3. v00002 4. v00003 5. v00004 6. v00005 7. v00006 8. v00007 9. v00008 10. v00009 [ 43 others ] |
1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 43 (81.1%) |
53 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
2 | LABEL [character] |
1. AGE_0 2. AGE_1 3. AGE_GROUP_0 4. ARM_CIRC_0 5. ARM_CIRC_DISC_0 6. ARM_CUFF_0 7. ASTHMA_0 8. BSG_0 9. CENTER_0 10. CRP_0 [ 43 others ] |
1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 43 (81.1%) |
53 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
3 | DATA_TYPE [character] |
1. datetime 2. float 3. integer 4. string |
4 ( 7.5%) 6 (11.3%) 37 (69.8%) 6 (11.3%) |
53 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
4 | VALUE_LABELS [character] |
1. 0 = no | 1 = yes 2. 0 = females | 1 = males 3. 0 = never | 1 = 1-2d a we 4. 0 = pre-primary | 1 = pri 5. 1 = (-Inf,20] | 2 = (20,3 6. 0 = <10k | 1 = [10-30k) | 7. 0 = none | 1 = vegetarian 8. 1 = Berlin | 2 = Hamburg 9. A = excellent | B = good 10. single | married | divorc [ 3 others ] |
10 (38.5%) 2 ( 7.7%) 2 ( 7.7%) 2 ( 7.7%) 2 ( 7.7%) 1 ( 3.8%) 1 ( 3.8%) 1 ( 3.8%) 1 ( 3.8%) 1 ( 3.8%) 3 (11.5%) |
26 (49.1%) |
27 (50.9%) |
5 | MISSING_LIST [character] |
1. 99980 | 99983 | 99988 | 2. 99980 | 99983 | 99988 | 3. 99980 | 99988 | 99989 | 4. 99980 | 99981 | 99982 | 9 5. 99980 | 99981 | 99982 | 9 6. 99980 | 99983 | 99987 | 7. 99980 | 99987 8. 99981 | 99982 |
15 (41.7%) 8 (22.2%) 1 ( 2.8%) 4 (11.1%) 2 ( 5.6%) 2 ( 5.6%) 1 ( 2.8%) 3 ( 8.3%) |
36 (67.9%) |
17 (32.1%) |
6 | JUMP_LIST [integer] |
Min : 88880 Mean : 88888 Max : 88890 |
88880 : 2 (20.0%) 88890 : 8 (80.0%) |
10 (18.9%) |
43 (81.1%) |
7 | HARD_LIMITS [character] |
1. [0;10] 2. [0;1] 3. [2018-01-01 00:00:00 CET; 4. [0;4] 5. [0;6] 6. [0;Inf) 7. [1;3] 8. [18;Inf) 9. [0;100] 10. [0;2] [ 3 others ] |
9 (27.3%) 5 (15.2%) 4 (12.1%) 2 ( 6.1%) 2 ( 6.1%) 2 ( 6.1%) 2 ( 6.1%) 2 ( 6.1%) 1 ( 3.0%) 1 ( 3.0%) 3 ( 9.1%) |
33 (62.3%) |
20 (37.7%) |
8 | DETECTION_LIMITS [character] |
1. [0;265] 2. [0.16;Inf) |
2 (66.7%) 1 (33.3%) |
3 (5.7%) |
50 (94.3%) |
9 | CONTRADICTIONS [character] |
1. 1001 2. 1002 3. 1003 4. 1004 | 1005 | 1006 5. 1007 | 1008 6. 1009 7. 1010 8. 1011 |
2 (13.3%) 2 (13.3%) 2 (13.3%) 2 (13.3%) 2 (13.3%) 2 (13.3%) 1 ( 6.7%) 2 (13.3%) |
15 (28.3%) |
38 (71.7%) |
10 | SOFT_LIMITS [character] |
1. (0;60] 2. (55;100) 3. (90;170) 4. [0;10] 5. [0;5] 6. [0.2;10) 7. [0.2;30) 8. [1;9] |
1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%) 2 (22.2%) 1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%) |
9 (17.0%) |
44 (83.0%) |
11 | DISTRIBUTION [character] |
1. gamma 2. normal 3. uniform |
1 (14.3%) 4 (57.1%) 2 (28.6%) |
7 (13.2%) |
46 (86.8%) |
12 | DECIMALS [integer] |
Mean (sd) : 0.7 (1.2) min < med < max: 0 < 0 < 3 IQR (CV) : 0.8 (1.8) |
0 : 4 (66.7%) 1 : 1 (16.7%) 3 : 1 (16.7%) |
6 (11.3%) |
47 (88.7%) |
13 | DATA_ENTRY_TYPE [integer] |
Min : 0 Mean : 0.3 Max : 1 |
0 : 4 (66.7%) 1 : 2 (33.3%) |
6 (11.3%) |
47 (88.7%) |
14 | KEY_OBSERVER [character] |
1. v00011 2. v00012 3. v00032 |
1 ( 5.6%) 2 (11.1%) 15 (83.3%) |
18 (34.0%) |
35 (66.0%) |
15 | KEY_DEVICE [character] |
1. v00010 2. v00016 |
2 (66.7%) 1 (33.3%) |
3 (5.7%) |
50 (94.3%) |
16 | KEY_DATETIME [character] |
1. v00013 2. v00017 |
4 (66.7%) 2 (33.3%) |
6 (11.3%) |
47 (88.7%) |
17 | KEY_STUDY_SEGMENT [character] |
1. v10000 2. v20000 3. v30000 4. v40000 5. v50000 |
11 (20.8%) 11 (20.8%) 4 ( 7.5%) 18 (34.0%) 9 (17.0%) |
53 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
18 | VARIABLE_ROLE [character] |
1. intro 2. primary 3. process 4. secondary |
11 (20.8%) 30 (56.6%) 9 (17.0%) 3 ( 5.7%) |
53 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
19 | VARIABLE_ORDER [integer] |
Mean (sd) : 27 (15.4) min < med < max: 1 < 27 < 53 IQR (CV) : 26 (0.6) |
53 distinct values (Integer sequence) |
53 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
20 | LONG_LABEL [character] |
1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 1 ( 1.9%) 43 (81.1%) |
53 (100.0%) |
0 (0.0%) |
21 | LOCATION_RANGE [character] |
1. (100;140) 2. (20;30) 3. (60;100) 4. [2;4) 5. [45;55] |
1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 1 (16.7%) 2 (33.3%) |
6 (11.3%) |
47 (88.7%) |
22 | LOCATION_METRIC [character] |
1. Mean 2. Median |
5 (83.3%) 1 (16.7%) |
6 (11.3%) |
47 (88.7%) |
23 | PROPORTION_RANGE [character] |
1. (10;90) 2. [15;30] 3. [48;52] 4. 0 in [48;52] 5. 4 in (2;10] | 5 in (5;15] |
1 (20.0%) 1 (20.0%) 1 (20.0%) 1 (20.0%) 1 (20.0%) |
5 (9.4%) |
48 (90.6%) |
In addition to this table, the used missing codes have allocated labels to provide meanings to the reasons for missing data. The data are obtained by:
file_name <-
file.path("extdata", "meta_data_v2.xlsx")
code_labels <- prep_get_data_frame("missing_table") # missing_table is a sheet in meta_data_v2.xlsx
Furthermore, an example table of contradiction checks has been defined. Contradictions in the data are present if, e.g., two variables contain admissible values each but the combination of these values describes a contradiction. For example, a positive number of pregnancies is a contradiction when found in men. For the definition of the data quality indicator please see this explanation. The respective R implementation is shown here.
shipcontra <- prep_get_data_frame("ship_meta_v2|cross-item_level")
shipcontra <-
drop = FALSE]