
The function acc_distributions implements a range of indicators and descriptors belonging to the Unexpected distributions domain in the Accuracy dimension. It performs location and proportion checks, as defined in the metadata, providing data quality indicators for Unexpected location and Unexpected proportion.

Moreover, this implementation generates histograms (for float data types) and bar plots (for integer data types), which are a frequent approach to visualize the data distribution and possible data quality issues. In this way, acc_distributions is also a descriptor for Univariate outliers, Unexpected shape, and Unexpected scale. Note however, that for outliers there exist dedicated functins to not only provide descriptors but also outliers.

Usage and arguments

  resp_vars = NULL,
  group_vars = NULL,
  label_col = "LABEL",
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = md1

The function has the following arguments:

  • study_data: mandatory, the data frame containing the measurements.
  • meta_data: mandatory, the data frame containing the item level metadata.
  • resp_vars: optional, a character vector specifying the measurement variables of interest.
  • group_vars: optional, the variable used for grouping (e.g., observer or device). Defaults to NULL for output without grouping.
  • label_col: optional, the column in the metadata data frame containing the labels of all the variables in the study data.

Example output

To illustrate the output, we use the example synthetic data and metadata that are bundled with the dataquieR package. See the introductory tutorial for instructions on importing these files into R, as well as details on their structure and contents.

To calculate the Unexpected location and Unexpected proportion indicators, the columns LOCATION_METRIC, LOCATION_RANGE, and PROPORTION_RANGE, must be specified in the metadata:

If the metadata does not contain these columns, the output will only provide distribution plots for the variables with float or integer data types.

Response variables without grouping variables

This is the simplest example, specifying only response variables (SBP_0, for systolic blood pressure measurement, SEX_0, and ITEM_4_0 of a questionnaire), the study data, and the associated metadata:

dist_1 <- acc_distributions(
  resp_vars = c("SBP_0", "SEX_0", "ITEM_4_0"),
  label_col = "LABEL",
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = md1

Output 1: SummaryTable

acc_distributions returns three objects. The first two data frames (SummaryTable and SummaryData) contain the data quality checks for Unexpected location (FLG_acc_ud_loc and VAL_acc_ud_loc) and Unexpected proportion for the response variables. SummaryTable provides a concise summary of the results, which is used by dq_report2 to populate the accuracy section of the data quality report. Hence, the output is minimal and the names of the columns are abbreviations. The VAL columns give the calculated value(s) for unexpected location or proportion, respectively. When an unexpected location or proportion is found, the FLG columns provides a flag for the corresponding variable. Call it with dist_1$SummaryTable:

Variables values_from_data GRADING FLG_acc_ud_loc loc_func FLG_acc_ud_prop prop_range
SBP_0 126.516204607575 0 FALSE mean NA NA
SEX_0 0 = 50.3 | 1 = 49.7 0 NA NA FALSE 0 in [48;52]
ITEM_4_0 0 = 4.9 | 1 = 14.2 | 2 = 22.9 | 3 = 23.3 | 4 = 16.6 | 5 = 10.3 | 6 = 4.2 | 7 = 2.1 | 8 = 1.1 | 9 = 0.3 | 10 = 0.1 1 NA NA TRUE 4 in (2;10] | 5 in (5;15] | 6 in (2;10]

Output 2: SummaryData

The next output, SummaryData, presents the data quality checks using explicit labels. It includes the response variable analysed with its corresponding expected range and measure of location (specified in the metadata), as reference. The columns Value and Proportions show the calculated result, and according to this, a binary flag is raised if values are outside the expectations. Use dist_1$SummaryData to print the result:

Variables Range of expected values Flag Measure of location Value Proportions
SBP_0 (100;140) FALSE mean 126.5162 NA
SEX_0 0 in [48;52] FALSE NA NA 0 = 50.3 | 1 = 49.7
ITEM_4_0 4 in (2;10] | 5 in (5;15] | 6 in (2;10] TRUE NA NA 0 = 4.9 | 1 = 14.2 | 2 = 22.9 | 3 = 23.3 | 4 = 16.6 | 5 = 10.3 | 6 = 4.2 | 7 = 2.1 | 8 = 1.1 | 9 = 0.3 | 10 = 0.1

Output 3: SummaryPlotList

The last output contains a list of ggplots for each variable in resp_vars. The plot shows the LOCATION_RANGE or PROPORTION_RANGE as well as the LOCATION_METRIC. Observations are highlighted if they fall outside of the expected range.

## $SBP_0

## $SEX_0

## $ITEM_4_0

Response variables with a grouping variable

This example considers the SBP_0 (systolic blood pressure measurement) with the grouping variable USR_BP_0 (examiner for the blood pressure measurement):

dist_2 <- acc_distributions(
  resp_vars = "SBP_0",
  group_vars = "USR_BP_0",
  label_col = "LABEL",
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = md1

When the user specifies group_vars, the output dist_2$SummaryPlotList includes a list of distribution plots with their respective empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (eCDF).

## $SBP_0


The higher the number of variables with unexpected location or proportions, the lower the data quality. Deviations from the expected central tendency or unexpected proportions might indicate data issues and should be further investigated.

Algorithm of the implementation

  1. If no response variable is defined, select all float or integer variables from the study data.
  2. Remove missing codes from the study data (if these are defined in the metadata).
  3. Remove measurements deviating from the (hard) limits (if these are defined in the metadata).
  4. Exclude variables containing only NA or only one unique value (excluding NAs).
  5. Perform check for Unexpected location if defined in the metadata. This requires columns LOCATION_METRIC (either mean or median) and LOCATION_RANGE (the range of expected values for the mean or median, respectively).
  6. Perform check for Unexpected proportion if defined in the metadata. This requires the column PROPORTION_RANGE (the range of expected values for the proportions of the categories). (7)Plot histograms and bar charts.
  7. If group_vars is specified by the user, output group-wise empirical cumulative distributions.

Because histogram classes are close to the density of the respective distributions, instead of the default approach from Sturges 1926, acc_distributions uses the method of Freedman and Diaconis (Freedman and Diaconis 1981) to define the number of bins and breaks in histograms. The number of bins is calculated as:

\[ No. \: of \: bins = 2* \frac{IQR(x)}{\sqrt[3] n} \]

If group_vars is given, the empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (eCDF) is also presented (Drion et al. 1952).

For more details, see the user’s manual and source code.

Concept relations

Drion, E. et al. (1952). Some distribution-free tests for the difference between two empirical cumulative distribution functions. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 23, 563–574.
Freedman, D., and Diaconis, P. (1981). On the histogram as a density estimator: L 2 theory. Probability Theory and Related Fields 57, 453–476.
Sturges, H.A. (1926). The choice of a class interval. Journal of the American Statistical Association 21, 65–66.