
The acc_loess function conducts local regression (LOESS) to examine the impact of so-called process variables on the measurements over time (Cleveland et al. 1988). In this way, the acc_loess function is a descriptor for Unexpected location in the Unexpected distributions domain of the Accuracy dimension. Moreover, it is also a descriptor for Unexpected association strength, Unexpected association direction and Unexpected association form, in the Unexpected associations domain of the Accuracy dimension.

For more details, see the user’s manual and source code.

Usage and arguments

  resp_vars = NULL,
  group_vars = NULL,
  time_vars = NULL,
  co_vars = NULL,
  label_col = NULL,
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = md1,
  resolution = 180,
  se_line = list(color = "red", linetype = 2),
  plot_data_time = NULL,
  plot_format = "AUTO"

The function has the following arguments:

  • study_data: mandatory, the data frame containing the measurements.
  • meta_data: mandatory, the data frame containing the item-level metadata.
  • resp_vars: mandatory, a character specifying the continuous measurement variable of interest. The variable must be of float type.
  • label_col: optional, the column in the metadata data frame containing the labels of all the variables in the study data.
  • group_vars: optional, the variable used for grouping (e.g., observer or device). Defaults to NULL for output without grouping.
  • time_variable: mandatory, a variable identifying the variable with the time of measurement.
  • co_vars: optional, a vector of covariables, e.g. age and sex for adjustment.
  • min_obs_level: optional, levels of the group_vars with less measurements than defined in min_obs_level are excluded.

This implementation makes no use of a threshold. See Interpretation for guidance on the use of this function.

Example output

To illustrate the output, we use the example synthetic data and metadata that are bundled with the dataquieR package. See the introductory tutorial for instructions on importing these files into R, as well as details on their structure and contents.

Similar to the approach of the acc_margins function, we assume that at least one examiner does not adhere to the SOP and may influence the measurement process.

v00000 v00001 v00002 v00003 v00004 v00005 v01003 v01002 v00103 v00006
3 LEIIX715 0 49 127 77 49 0 40-49 3.8
1 QHNKM456 0 47 114 76 47 0 40-49 1.9
1 HTAOB589 0 50 114 71 50 0 50-59 0.8
5 HNHFV585 0 48 120 65 48 0 40-49 3.8
1 UTDLS949 0 56 119 78 56 0 50-59 4.1
5 YQFGE692 1 47 133 81 47 1 40-49 9.5
1 AVAEH932 0 53 114 78 53 0 50-59 5.0
3 QDOPT378 1 48 116 86 48 1 40-49 9.6
3 BMOAK786 0 44 115 71 44 0 40-49 2.0
5 ZDKNF462 0 50 116 74 50 0 50-59 2.4

For the acc_loess function, the columns DATA_TYPE, MISSING_LIST and HARD_LIMITS in the metadata are relevant.

9 v00004 SBP_0 99980 | 99981 | 99982 | 99983 | 99984 | 99985 | 99986 | 99987 | 99988 | 99989 | 99990 | 99991 | 99992 | 99993 | 99994 | 99995 float [80;180]
10 v00005 DBP_0 99980 | 99981 | 99982 | 99983 | 99984 | 99985 | 99986 | 99987 | 99988 | 99989 | 99990 | 99991 | 99992 | 99993 | 99994 | 99995 float [50;Inf)
11 v00006 GLOBAL_HEALTH_VAS_0 99980 | 99983 | 99987 | 99988 | 99989 | 99990 | 99991 | 99992 | 99993 | 99994 | 99995 float [0;10]
14 v00009 ARM_CIRC_0 99980 | 99981 | 99982 | 99983 | 99984 | 99985 | 99986 | 99987 | 99988 | 99989 | 99990 | 99991 | 99992 | 99993 | 99994 | 99995 float [0;Inf)
21 v00014 CRP_0 99980 | 99981 | 99982 | 99983 | 99984 | 99985 | 99986 | 99988 | 99989 | 99990 | 99991 | 99992 | 99994 | 99995 float [0;Inf)
22 v00015 BSG_0 99980 | 99981 | 99982 | 99983 | 99984 | 99985 | 99986 | 99988 | 99989 | 99990 | 99991 | 99992 | 99994 | 99995 float [0;100]

The call of the function is illustrated here:

loess_1 <- acc_loess(
  resp_vars = "SBP_0",
  group_vars = "USR_BP_0",
  time_vars = "EXAM_DT_0",
  co_vars = c("AGE_0", "SEX_0"),
  min_obs_in_subgroup = 30,
  label_col = LABEL,
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = md1,
  plot_format = "BOTH"

The first plot is obtained by calling loess_1$SummaryPlotList[[1]] and provides panels for each subject/object. The plot contains LOESS-smoothed curves for each level of the group_vars. The red dashed lines represent the confidence interval of a LOESS curve for the whole data.

Output 1:

Output 2:

The second plot combines all levels of group_vars:


The following aspects should be considered when investigating the plots:

Random fluctuation

If changes in all levels of the group_vars appear at random, no systematic trends over time are likely.

Seasonal trends

If seasonal trends such as sigmoidal curves are observed in one or selected levels of the group_vars, intermittent location shifts are observed.

Persistent trends

As shown in the example above for “USR_482”, persistent trends in one or selected levels of the group_vars imply a systematic change in measurements over time. If a fitted curve exceeds the confidence band of dashed red lines of the overall distribution a severe shift is observed.

Discrete processes

If for one level of the group_vars a complete separation of the LOESS curve compared to all other levels is apparent, systematic differences in measurements are likely which are independent of time.

Algorithm of the implementation

  1. This implementation is yet restricted to data of type float.
  2. Missing codes are removed from resp_vars (if defined in the metadata)
  3. Deviations from limits, as defined in the metadata, are removed
  4. A linear model is estimated for resp_vars using co_vars for adjustment.
  5. The residuals of the model in (4) are used to fit LOESS for each level of the group_vars statement along with date-values of a time_vars statement.
  6. A summary plot is generated for each level of group_vars.


The application of LOESS usually requires model fitting, i.e. the smoothness of a model is subject to a smoothing parameter (span). Particularly in the presence of interval-based missing data (USR_181), high variability of measurements combined with a low number of observations in one level of the group_vars the fit to the data may be distorted. Since our approach handles data without knowledge of such underlying characteristics, finding the best fit is complicated if computational costs should be minimal. The default of LOESS in R uses a span 0.75 which provides in most cases reasonable fits. The function above increases the fit to the data automatically if the minimum of observations in one level of the group_vars is higher than 30.

Concept relations

Cleveland, W.S., Devlin, S.J., and Grosse, E. (1988). Regression by local fitting: Methods, properties, and computational algorithms. Journal of Econometrics 37, 87–114.