
The function con_contradictions considers a contradiction if impossible or seemingly erroneous combinations of data are observed in one participant. For example, if age of a participant is recorded repeatedly, the value of age must be (unfortunately) always increasing. Most contradiction checks rely on comparing two variables. Each value used for a comparison may represent a possible characteristic, but the combination of these two values is considered to be impossible. Thus, con_contradictions is an implementation of the Logical contradictions and Empirical contradictions indicators, which belong to the Contradictions domain in the Consistency dimension.

The approach does not consider implausible or inadmissible values. For more details, see the user’s manual and the source code.

Usage and arguments

  resp_vars = NULL,
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = md1,
  label_col = NULL,
  threshold_value = 1,
  check_table = checks,
  summarize_categories = FALSE

The con_contradictions function has the following arguments:

  • study_data: mandatory, the data frame containing the measurements.
  • meta_data: mandatory, the data frame containing the study data’s metadata.
  • label_col: optional, the column in the metadata data frame containing the labels of all the variables in the study data.
  • threshold_value: mandatory, a numerical value based on percentages ranging from 0 to 100.
  • check_table: mandatory, a data frame defining the contradictions. See the Definition of contradictions for details on the required structure.
  • summarize_categories: optional, if TRUE a summary output is generated for the defined categories plus one plot per category. Requires a column ’tag’ in the check_table.

Example output

To illustrate the output, we use the example synthetic data and metadata that are bundled with the dataquieR package. See the introductory tutorial for instructions on importing these files into R, as well as details on their structure and contents.

For the con_contradictions function, the columns CONTRADICTIONS, MISSING_LIST, VALUE_LABELS, and HARD_LIMITS in the metadata are particularly relevant.

The column of CONTRADICTION contains only IDs for explicit contradictions. The respective definition can be done in the metadata but we recommend the use of an associated ShinyApp (Chang et al. 2018, Potter et al. 2016). See also Definition of contradictions and Calculation of contradictions.

Contradictions for this example are loaded as follows:

checks <- read.csv(system.file("extdata",
                               package = "dataquieR"),
                   header = TRUE, sep = "#")

The following table shows the contradictions that were defined for this study data:

ID Function_name A A_levels A_value B B_levels B_value Label
1001 A_less_than_B_vv AGE_1 NA NA AGE_0 NA NA Age follow-up
1002 A_not_equal_B_vv SEX_1 NA NA SEX_0 NA NA Sex follow-up
1003 A_less_than_B_vv EDUCATION_1 NA NA EDUCATION_0 NA NA Education follow-up
1004 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll EATING_PREFS_0 vegetarian NA MEAT_CONS_0 1-2d a week | 3-4d a week | 5-6d a week | daily NA Nutrition inconsistency vegetarian
1005 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll EATING_PREFS_0 vegan NA MEAT_CONS_0 1-2d a week | 3-4d a week | 5-6d a week | daily NA Nutrition inconsistency vegan
1006 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll EATING_PREFS_0 none NA MEAT_CONS_0 never NA Nutrition inconsistency
1007 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll SMOKING_0 no NA SMOKE_SHOP_0 1-2d a week | 3-4d a week | 5-6d a week | daily NA Non-smokers inconsistency
1008 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll SMOKING_0 yes NA SMOKE_SHOP_0 never NA Smokers inconsistency
1009 A_not_equal_B_vv ARM_CIRC_DISC_0 NA NA ARM_CUFF_0 NA NA Blood pressure false cuff
1010 A_levels_and_B_gt_value_lc PREGNANT_0 yes NA AGE_0 NA 55 Pregnancy high age
1011 A_less_than_B_vv LAB_DT_0 NA NA EXAM_DT_0 NA NA LAB before MEX

The next call specifies the analysis of contradictions, setting the threshold to 1%:

contradictions <- con_contradictions(study_data      = sd1,
                                     meta_data       = md1,
                                     label_col       = "LABEL",
                                     check_table     = checks,
                                     threshold_value = 1)

Output 1: FlaggedStudyData

This implementation returns four objects. The dataframe FlaggedStudyData flags each observation in the study data that has one or more contradictions between different variables. For each applied check on the variables an additional column (names with the ID of the check) is added. The object can be accessed via contradictions$FlaggedStudyData.

Output 2: Summary table 1

The second output of the contradiction function is a data frame which summarizes the number of contradictions for each variable that has been examined. This object is primarily used by the dataquieR-function dq_report to summarize the information of all examined variables.

Variables Reference variable Check ID Check type A Levels B Levels Contradictions (N) Contradictions (%) GRADING Label
AGE_1 AGE_0 1001 A_less_than_B_vv NA NA 150 5.00 1 Age follow-up
SEX_1 SEX_0 1002 A_not_equal_B_vv NA NA 150 5.00 1 Sex follow-up
EDUCATION_1 EDUCATION_0 1003 A_less_than_B_vv NA NA 7 0.23 0 Education follow-up
EATING_PREFS_0 MEAT_CONS_0 1004 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll vegetarian 1-2d a week|3-4d a week|5-6d a week|daily 54 1.80 1 Nutrition inconsistency vegetarian
EATING_PREFS_0 MEAT_CONS_0 1005 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll vegan 1-2d a week|3-4d a week|5-6d a week|daily 19 0.63 0 Nutrition inconsistency vegan
EATING_PREFS_0 MEAT_CONS_0 1006 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll none never 64 2.13 1 Nutrition inconsistency

Output 3: Summary table 2

The third output summarizes this information in a similar way, but also names the applied checks. This output can be used to provide an executive overview on the amount of contradictions.

Check ID Check type Variables A and B A Levels B Levels Contradictions (N) Contradictions (%) GRADING Label
1001 A_less_than_B_vv A is: AGE_1; B is: AGE_0 NA NA 150 5.00 1 Age follow-up
1002 A_not_equal_B_vv A is: SEX_1; B is: SEX_0 NA NA 150 5.00 1 Sex follow-up
1003 A_less_than_B_vv A is: EDUCATION_1; B is: EDUCATION_0 NA NA 7 0.23 0 Education follow-up
1004 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll A is: EATING_PREFS_0; B is: MEAT_CONS_0 vegetarian 1-2d a week|3-4d a week|5-6d a week|daily 54 1.80 1 Nutrition inconsistency vegetarian
1005 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll A is: EATING_PREFS_0; B is: MEAT_CONS_0 vegan 1-2d a week|3-4d a week|5-6d a week|daily 19 0.63 0 Nutrition inconsistency vegan
1006 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll A is: EATING_PREFS_0; B is: MEAT_CONS_0 none never 64 2.13 1 Nutrition inconsistency
1007 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll A is: SMOKING_0; B is: SMOKE_SHOP_0 no 1-2d a week|3-4d a week|5-6d a week|daily 91 3.03 1 Non-smokers inconsistency
1008 A_levels_and_B_levels_ll A is: SMOKING_0; B is: SMOKE_SHOP_0 yes never 118 3.93 1 Smokers inconsistency
1009 A_not_equal_B_vv A is: ARM_CIRC_DISC_0; B is: ARM_CUFF_0 NA NA 173 5.77 1 Blood pressure false cuff
1010 A_levels_and_B_gt_value_lc A is: PREGNANT_0; B is: AGE_0 yes NA 5 0.17 0 Pregnancy high age
1011 A_less_than_B_vv A is: LAB_DT_0; B is: EXAM_DT_0 NA NA 116 3.87 1 LAB before MEX

Output 4: Summary plot

The fourth output visualizes summarized information of output 2 and 3.



Any contradiction in the study data should be resolved by appropriate data curation steps.

Algorithm of the implementation

  1. Select all variables in the data with defined contradiction rules (static metadata column CONTRADICTIONS)
  2. Remove missing codes from the study data (if defined in the metadata)
  3. Remove measurements deviating from limits defined in the metadata
  4. Assign label to levels of categorical variables (if applicable)
  5. Apply contradiction checks on predefined sets of variables
  6. Identification of measurements fulfilling contradiction rules. Therefore two output data frames are generated:
    • on the level of observation to flag each contradictory value combination, and
    • a summary table for each contradiction check.
  7. A summary plot illustrating the number of contradictions is generated.

Definition of contradictions

To a large extent contradictions can be defined via logical comparison of variables. Assume \(A\) and \(B\) to represent two variables in the study data. Then:

  • if \(A \gt B\) a contradiction may follow

  • if \(A\) is not missing, then \(B\) should not be observed

  • if \(A \lt 18\) then \(B \ne \:"adult"\)

Defining such comparisons is supported by a Shiny App allowing the specification of checks in a standardized manner. Therefore a comprehensive table of metadata is required.

CAVEAT: For the time being, contradiction checks can be defined for the contradictions between two variables only.

Calculation of contradictions

The indicator uses a list of prespecified functions of logical comparisons. Each of the functions is designed to indicate a contradiction if the specified criteria are met.

The suffixes _vv, _ll, _lc are required for the ShinyApp mentioned above and have no interpretation in the context of contradictions.

A_not_equal_B_vv <- function(study_data, 
                             A, B, A_levels, B_levels, A_value, B_value) {
  X <- study_data
  grading <- ifelse(X[[A]] != X[[B]], 1, 0)

All dataquieR functions of logical comparisons have seven arguments:

  • study_data: the name of the data frame containing the study data
  • A: one variable in which a contradiction may occur
  • B: the second required variable to evaluate a contradiction
  • A_levels: in case A is nominal, the respective levels are used here
  • B_levels: in case B is nominal, the respective levels are used here
  • A_value: in case a value of A is used for comparison with B
  • B_value: in case a value of B is used for comparison with A

Concept relations

Chang, W., Cheng, J., Allaire, J., Xie, Y., McPherson, J., et al. (2018). Shiny: Web application framework for r, 2015. R Package Version 1, 14.
Potter, G., Wong, J., Alcaraz, I., Chi, P., et al. (2016). Web application teaching tools for statistics using r and shiny. Technology Innovations in Statistics Education 9.