Grading Rulesets
A data frame containing information to classify results. For each indicator metric listed in the ruleset, the corresponding result is classified using the range of values separated in a maximum of 5 categories (dqi_cat_1 to dqi_cat_5). The default ruleset is identified by the code "GRADING_RULESET = 0". Category 1 (dqi_cat_1) corresponds to no data quality issues, whereas category 5 indicates critical data quality issues.
A customized ruleset can be specified by the user providing a new data frame "grading_rulesets" using prep_add_dataframes() before rendering the report, for example:
prep_add_dataframes(grading_rulesets = "~/Documents/my_grading_rulesets.xlsx")This new data frame should have the same columns as the default ruleset and the code "GRADING_RULESET" = 0.
Additionally, in case it is needed, a user can assign different rulesets to specific variables. To do that, a user needs to:
- add new rows with a different "GRADING_RULESET" number in the data frame "grading_rulesets";
- add a new column "GRADING_RULESET" in the item-level metadata, in which associate each variable to the number of the relevant ruleset.