SHIP-based Example

This example uses data from the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP START-0, examinations from 1997-2001). For further information on SHIP see Völzke et al., 2010,. To secure anonymity and for illustrative purposes, some noise has been introduced to the data and a 50% sample has been taken.

Synthetic Example

This example is based on synthetic data created within R, see details here.

See the metadata tutorial for more information.

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Völzke, H., Alte, D., Schmidt, C.O., Radke, D., Lorbeer, R., Friedrich, N., Aumann, N., Lau, K., Piontek, M., and Born, G. (2010). Cohort profile: The study of health in pomerania. International Journal of Epidemiology 40, 294–307.