Uncertain missingness status, Missing due to specified reason, and Missing values can be assessed using com_item_missingness as in the following call:

# Load dataquieR

# Load data
sd1 <- prep_get_data_frame("ship")

# Load metadata
meta_data_item <- prep_get_data_frame("item_level") # item_level is a sheet in ship_meta_v2.xlsx

# Apply indicator function
item_miss <- com_item_missingness(
  study_data      = sd1, 
  meta_data       = meta_data_item, 
  show_causes     = TRUE, 
  label_col       = "LABEL",
  include_sysmiss = TRUE, 
  threshold_value = 95

An overview can be obtained by calling a summary table:

Variables Expected observations N Sysmiss N Datavalues N Missing codes N Jumps N Measurements N Missing_expected_obs PCT_com_crm_mv GRADING
ID 2154 0 2154 0 0 2154 0 0.00 0
EXAM_DT_0 2154 0 2154 0 0 2154 0 0.00 0
SEX_0 2154 0 2154 0 0 2154 0 0.00 0
AGE_0 2154 0 2154 0 0 2154 0 0.00 0
OBS_BP_0 2154 0 2154 3 0 2151 3 0.14 0
DEV_BP_0 2154 0 2154 3 0 2151 3 0.14 0
SBP_0.1 2154 2 2152 0 0 2152 2 0.09 0
SBP_0.2 2154 6 2148 0 0 2148 6 0.28 0
DBP_0.1 2154 2 2152 0 0 2152 2 0.09 0
DBP_0.2 2154 6 2148 0 0 2148 6 0.28 0
OBS_SOMA_0 2154 0 2154 2 0 2152 2 0.09 0
BODY_HEIGHT_0 2154 3 2151 0 0 2151 3 0.14 0
DEV_HEIGHT_0 2154 0 2154 2 0 2152 2 0.09 0
BODY_WEIGHT_0 2154 4 2150 0 0 2150 4 0.19 0
DEV_WEIGHT_0 2154 0 2154 2 0 2152 2 0.09 0
WAIST_CIRC_0 2154 3 2151 0 0 2151 3 0.14 0
OBS_INT_0 2154 0 2154 1 0 2153 1 0.05 0
SCHOOL_GRAD_0 2154 0 2154 113 0 2041 113 5.25 1
RELATION_STATUS_0 2154 0 2154 67 0 2087 67 3.11 0
SMOKING_STATUS_0 2154 0 2154 68 0 2086 68 3.16 0
STROKE_YN_0 2154 0 2154 70 0 2084 70 3.25 0
MYOCARD_YN_0 2154 0 2154 74 0 2080 74 3.44 0
DIABETES_KNOWN_0 2154 0 2154 7 0 2147 7 0.32 0
DIAB_AGE_ONSET_0 2154 0 2154 7 1974 173 1981 91.97 0
CONTRACEPTIVA_EVER_0 2154 0 2154 4 1264 886 1268 58.87 0
HOUSE_INCOME_MONTH_0 2154 0 2154 116 0 2038 116 5.39 1
CHOLES_HDL_0 2154 16 2138 0 0 2138 16 0.74 0
CHOLES_LDL_0 2154 28 2126 0 0 2126 28 1.30 0
CHOLES_ALL_0 2154 15 2139 0 0 2139 15 0.70 0
SEG_PART_INTRO 2154 0 2154 2154 0 0 2154 100.00 1
SEG_PART_SOMATOMETRY 2154 0 2154 2154 0 0 2154 100.00 1
SEG_PART_INTERVIEW 2154 0 2154 2154 0 0 2154 100.00 1
SEG_PART_LABORATORY 2154 0 2154 2154 0 0 2154 100.00 1

The table provides one line for each of the 29 variables. Of particular interest are:

  • System missings (Sysmiss): the number and percentage of data fields for each variable without any valid data entry, indicating a non-informative missing value (Uncertain missingness status).
  • Missing Codes: the number and percentage of data fields with valid missing codes.
  • Jumps: the number and percentage of data fields for which no data collection was attempted.
  • Measurements: provides an inverse of Missing values.

The table shows that the variable HOUSE_INCOME_MONTH_0 (monthly net household income) is affected by many missing values. In addition, the age of diabetes onset (DIAB_AGE_ONSET_0) was only coded for 173 subjects, but most values are missing because of an intended jump.

Note: In case jump codes have been used, e.g., for the variable CONTRACEPTIVE_EVER_0, the denominator for calculating item missingness is corrected for the number of jump codes used.

The summary plot delivers a different view of missing data by providing the frequency of the specified reasons for missing data.

r <- print(item_miss$ReportSummaryTable, view = FALSE)

In the plot, the balloon size is determined by the number of missing data fields. It can now be inferred that, for example, the elevated number of missing values for the item HOUSE_INCOME_MONTH_0 is mainly caused by refusals of participants to answer the respective question.

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