
The function acc_distributions examines Unexpected location and Unexpected proportion using histograms and displays empirical cumulative distribution functions (ecdf) if a grouping variable is provided.

The following example examines measurements in which a possible influence of the examiners is considered:

# Load dataquieR

# Load data
sd1 <- prep_get_data_frame("ship")

# Load metadata
meta_data_item <- prep_get_data_frame("item_level") # item_level is a sheet in ship_meta_v2.xlsx

# Apply indicator function
ECDFSoma1 <- acc_distributions(
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = meta_data_item,
  resp_vars = c("WAIST_CIRC_0", "BODY_HEIGHT_0", "BODY_WEIGHT_0"),
  label_col = "LABEL"
ECDFSoma2 <- acc_distributions_ecdf(
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data = meta_data_item,
  resp_vars = c("WAIST_CIRC_0", "BODY_HEIGHT_0", "BODY_WEIGHT_0"),
  group_vars = "OBS_SOMA_0",
  label_col = "LABEL"

The respective list of plots may be displayed using ECDFSoma1$SummaryPlotList / ECDFSoma2$SummaryPlotList (only the first 2 plots are displayed below):

Marginal distributions

The function acc_margins is also related to these indicators. However, it also provides descriptive outputs, such as violin and box plots for continuous variables, count plots for categorical data, and density plots for both. The main application of acc_margins is to make inference on effects related to process variables, such as examiners, devices, or study centers. The function determines whether measurements are continuous or discrete. Alternatively, this information may be specified in the metadata.

In the example, acc_margins is applied to the variable waist circumference (WAIST_CIRC_0). In this case, dependencies related to the examiners (OBS_SOMA_0) are assessed, while the raw measurements are controlled for variable age and sex (AGE_0, SEX_0):

marginal_dists <- acc_margins(
  study_data      = sd1,
  meta_data       = meta_data_item,
  resp_vars  = "WAIST_CIRC_0",
  co_vars    = c("AGE_0", "SEX_0"),
  group_vars = "OBS_SOMA_0",
  label_col  = "LABEL"

A plot is provided to view the results:


Based on a statistical test, no mean waist circumference of any examiner differed substantially (p<0.05) from the overall mean.

However, some examiners can have a mean that differ from the overall mean. This can be observed in the following example, where the measurements of waist circumference of the examiner “3” have been increased by 20.

#increase by 20 the measurements of observer 3
sd1_example <- dplyr::mutate(sd1, waist= ifelse(obs_soma == "3", as.numeric(waist)+20, waist))

marginal_dists <- acc_margins(
    study_data      = sd1_example ,
    meta_data       = meta_data_item,
    resp_vars  = "WAIST_CIRC_0",
    co_vars    = c("AGE_0", "SEX_0"),
    group_vars = "OBS_SOMA_0",
    label_col  = "LABEL"


The result shows elevated proportions for the examiner 03.


The study of effects across groups and times is particularly complex. The function acc_loess provides a descriptor related to the indicator Unexpected location. acc_loess may also be used to obtain information related to other indicators in the domain of unexpected distributions.

An example call using waist circumference as the target variable is:

timetrends <- acc_loess(
  study_data = sd1,
  meta_data  = meta_data_item,  
  resp_vars  = "WAIST_CIRC_0",
  co_vars    = c("AGE_0", "SEX_0"),
  group_vars = "OBS_SOMA_0",
  time_vars  = "EXAM_DT_0",
  label_col  = "LABEL"

invisible(lapply(timetrends$SummaryPlotList, print))

The graph for this variable indicates no major discrepancies between the examiners over the examination period.

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